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Beyond the Bump: Growing Together

Date: April 2, 2024
Location: Community Memorial Hospital

Are you a new parent? Or a second, third, or fourth time parent who’s overwhelmed by navigating postpartum and the infant stage again?Beyond the Bump: Growing Together is designed to educate and empower you through the experiences and challenges of caring for yourself and your baby. 

Join us for an 12-week cohort where you’ll have the opportunity to learn from trusted healthcare professionals and create a community with other local parents/caregivers.

WHEN: Tuesdays from 5-6:30 pm (beginning Tuesday, March 12th)
WHERE: Community Memorial Hospital (Cloquet)

Who is leading this group?
Sessions will be led by facilitators Kelly Walsh & Jessica Ochis, who are current Occupational Therapists at CMH. Both Jess & Kelly are also moms themselves!

Do I have to be a CMH patient to register?
No! This group is open to all. You may register regardless of where you get your healthcare.

Do I have to attend every session?
No! You are welcome to pop-in for one or a few sessions. Although we recommend completing the full 12 weeks to get the most benefit from community with other moms, we understand life is busy and it might not be possible for every schedule. Please fill out the registration form and write in the notes section that you plan to pop-in.

Is there a cost?
No. Registration and attendance are FREE.

What topics will be discussed?
Each session will be a balance between an educational presentation and open conversation to ask questions and get support from our facilitators and other participants.

Sessions remaining for this cohort:

Week 3: Safe baby device & container use. Body ergonomics during childcare activities.
Week 4: All about feeding (breast & bottle), pumping, and feeding for return to work with Carlton County Public Health Nurse Jenny Barta
Week 5: Casandra Ellquist from Just Kids Dental on strategies for teething
Week 6: Prioritizing your pelvic health with physical therapy specialist Jen Lindquist, DPT
Week 7: Returning to exercise with physical therapy specialist Jen Lindquist, DPT
Week 8: Identifying Developmental Milestones with Nicole Moretto, OTR/L
Week 9: Introduction to Solids with Debbie Braun, ST
Week 10: Baby wearing 101 with guest Nicole Johnson from Duluth Area Babywearers
Week 11: Managing expectations & finding community as a new parent
Week 12: Health nutrition for parents with Dr. Erin Louks-Smith

Additional questions?
Email Audrey at!

Ready to register now? We can’t wait to meet you! Please fill out the form below.

Beyond the Bump: The Toddler Takeover Registration Form

Please register for me for the upcoming spring session of Beyond the Bump: The Toddler Takeover.(Required)


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Our Address

Community Memorial Hospital
512 Skyline Boulevard
Cloquet, Minnesota 55720

CMH Urgent Care hours: Monday-Friday, 4pm-9pm; Saturday & Sunday 9am-4pm; closed on holidays
Hospital & Emergency Room 218-879-4641

© 2015 Community Memorial Hospital, 512 Skyline Boulevard, Cloquet, Minnesota 55720

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