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VSO Craft & Vendor Fair

Date: October 20, 2023
Location: CMH Ground Floor

The Vendor & Craft Fair is hosted by the CMH Volunteer Services Organization (VSO) and features over 40 vendors and crafters, 2 food trucks, and a raffle ticket sale. This event serves as a fundraiser for the VSO, which sponsors scholarships for college students entering the healthcare field. This year’s fair will take place on Friday, October 20th and Saturday, October 21st from 9 AM-2 PM at Community Memorial Hospital.

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Community Memorial Hospital
512 Skyline Boulevard
Cloquet, Minnesota 55720

CMH Urgent Care hours: Monday-Friday, 4pm-9pm; Saturday & Sunday 9am-4pm; closed on holidays
Hospital & Emergency Room 218-879-4641

© 2015 Community Memorial Hospital, 512 Skyline Boulevard, Cloquet, Minnesota 55720

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